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Kohler Command CV460S Problems
Engine Model: Kohler Command CV460S |
Engine Type: 4-cycle 1-cylinder vertical shaft air-cooled gasoline engine |
Total Displacement: 27.9 cu.in (460 cc) |
Rated Engine Power: 16 Hp (11.9 kW) at 3600 rpm |
Fuel System: Float carburetor with fixed main jet |
Engine difficult to start or doesn't start |
Empty fuel tank - Fill gasoline up.
Wrong grade of gasoline - Change fuel.
Air in fuel system - Bleed fuel system.
Spark plug wire is disconnected or loose - Check spark plug wiring connection, repair or change.
Damaged spark plug - Change spark plug as required.
Fuel filter is dirty - Replace fuel filter.
Brake pedal not pushed down - Push the brake pedal down.
Wrong carburetor adjustment - Adjusting carburetor correctly.
Low cylinder compression - Check cylinder block and replace worn parts.
Unadjusted or worn throttle cable - Adjust correctly or change the cable.
Engine runs roughly |
Cooling fins are blocked - Need to clean or wash.
Ignition system malfunction - Inspect ignition system and change faulty parts.
Throttle cable is stuck or faulty - Change or service the cable.
Dirty air filter element - Service or change air filter.
Fuel pump is faulty or clogged - Inspect fuel pump and change as required.
Engine stops after starting |
Spark plug is faulty - Replace spark plug.
Carburetor is defective or clogged - Replace or service carburetor.
Defective ignition coil - Install a new ignition coil.
Broken or loose valve springs - Install new valve springs.
Valves sticking - Valves must be cleaned.
Engine is overheated |
Lack of engine oil - Check and refill engine oil.
Engine is under excessive load - Reduce engine load.
Cooling fins are blocked - Clean and wash as required.
Carburetor is running lean - Adjust carburetor properly.
Wrong ignition timing - Set the ignition timing properly.
Wrong valve setting - Valves needs to be adjusted properly.
Engine knocking or noise |
Low octane fuel - Change gasoline.
Engine overload - Load reducing is recommended.
Engine oil level low - Checking oil level and add if necessary.
Low idle speed setting is not correct - Adjust as required.
Fuel pump is defective or dirty - Check fuel pump and change if required.
Crankshaft or main bearings failure - Repair or replace defective parts.
Valve clearance is improper - Need to adjust valve clearance.
Damaged cylinder bore or piston rings - Change faulty components.
Engine power loss |
Incorrectly adjusted or dirty carburetor - Service or properly adjust carburetor.
Plugged air filter - Change or service air filter.
Dirty or damaged fuel pump - Check fuel pump and change if required.
Ignition system is defective - Inspect ignition system and change failed components.
Cylinder head gasket is damaged - Replace the gasket as required.
Valves are burned or stuck - Clean or change valves.
Bent or worn push rod - Change push rod.
Cylinder block components are faulty - Replace defective components as required.
Plugged oil filter (if equipped) - Service or replace oil filter.
Excessive fuel consumption |
Choke opening is not full - Replace or adjust choke cable.
Carburetor main jet is improperly adjusted - Adjust the carburetor main jet correctly.
Spark plug is faulty or loose - Replace or tighten spark plug.
Burned, worn, or stuck valves - Replace or service valves.
Worn sleeve, rings, or piston - Replace faulty parts.
Valve clearance is incorrect - Adjustment procedure required.
High oil consumption |
Defective seals or gaskets - Defective components must be replaced.
Damaged valve stems or valve guides - Valves replacement required.
Piston rings are defective or worn - Install new piston rings.
Damaged piston or cylinder liner - Inspect liner and piston, replace as necessary.
Clogged breather pipe or hose - Clean or replace.
Engines Technical Specifications |