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Kubota D750 Specifications

The Kubota D750 is a 742 cc (45.3 cubic inches) 3-cylinder water-cooled naturally aspirated diesel engine from Kubota 70 mm series. The Kubota D750 engine has a spherical type сombustion сhamber with glow plug, Bosch K-type mini fuel injection pump, and Bosch throttle type injection nozzle. The compression ratio rating is 22.0. The cylinder bore and the piston stroke are 68.0 mm (2.68 in) and 70.0 mm (2.76 in), appropriately. The D750 diesel engine produced 17.3 PS (12.7 kW; 17.0 HP) at 3,000 rpm of maximum power and 42.4 Nm (4.3 kgm, 31.2 ft-lb) at 1,800 rpm of torque. Engine code identification: D - Three-cylinder, 75 - Approximate displacement 750 cc.
General Technical Data |
Engine Model .............. Kubota D750
Engine Type .............. Vertical, water-cooled, 4-cycle diesel
Number of cylinders .............. 3
Bore, mm (in) .............. 68.0 (2.68)
Stroke, mm (in) .............. 70.0 (2.76)
Total displacement, cm3 (cu. in) .............. 762 (46.5)
Gross power, kw (hp) .............. 12.7 (16.5)
Net power, kw (hp) .............. 11.2 (15.0)
Maximum speed, rpm .............. 3200
Idling speed, rpm .............. 800
Maximum torque, Nm (ft-lb) .............. 42.2 (33.1)
Torque speed, rpm .............. 1800
Combustion Chamber .............. Spherical type
Direction of rotation .............. Counter-clockwise
Compression ratio .............. 22:1
Firing order .............. 1-2-3
Fuel System |
Fuel injection pump .............. Bosch K type mini pump
Injection nozzle .............. Bosch Throttle type
Injection timing, deg (rad) .............. 25 (0.44) before T.D.C.
Injection pressure, MPa (psi) .............. 13.7 (1990)
Governor .............. Centrifugal ball mechanical governor
Injection timing, deg (rad) .............. 23-25 (0.402-0.436) before T.D.C.
Fuel tightness of pump element, MPa (psi) .............. 14.7 (2133)
Fuel tightness of delivery valve, MPa (psi) .............. 14.7-13.7 (2133-1990)
Fuel injection pressure .............. 13.73-14.71 (1991-2133)
Lubricating System |
Lubricating system .............. Forced lubrication by pump
Oil pressure indicating .............. Electrical type switch
Oil filter .............. Full flow paper filter (cartridge type)
Electrical System |
Starting system .............. Electric starting with starter
Starting Motor .............. 12V, 0.8 kW
Starting support device .............. By glow plug in combustion chamber
Battery .............. 12V, 65 AH
Dinamo for Charging .............. 12V, 150W
Dimensions and Weight |
Overall Length, mm (in) .............. 471 (18.6)
Overall Width, mm (in) .............. 423 (16.7)
Overall Height, mm (in) .............. 566 (22.3)
Dry weight, kg (lbs.) .............. 82.1 (181)
Cylinder Block |
Cylinder liner I.D, mm (in) .............. 68.000-68.019 (2.6772-2 6779)
Oversized cylinder liner I.D, mm (in) .............. +0.5 (0.0197)
Rocker arm shaft to bearing clearance, mm (in) .............. 0.020-0.062 (0.0008-0.0024)
Rocker arm shaft O.D, mm (in) .............. 10.973-10.984 (0.4320-0.4324)
Rocker arm bearing I.D, mm (in) .............. 11.000-11.041 (0.4331-0.4347)
Clearance between tappet and guide, mm (in) .............. 0.020-0.062 (0.0008-0.0024)
Tappet O.D, mm (in) .............. 19.959-19.980 (0.7858-0.7866)
Tappet guide I.D, mm (in) .............. 20.000-20.021 (0.7874-0.7882)
Piston pin bore, mm (in) .............. 20.000-20.013 (0.7874-0.7879)
Compression ring groove clearance, mm (in) .............. 0.085-0.112 (0.0033-0.0044)
Compression ring groove width, mm (in) .............. 1.555-1.570 (0.0613-0.0618)
Compression ring width, mm (in) .............. 1.458-1.470 (0.0574-0.0579)
Oil ring groove clearance, mm (in) .............. 0.020-0.055 (0.0008-0.0021)
Oil ring groove width, mm (in) .............. 4.010-4.030 (0.1579-0.1587)
Oil ring width, mm (in) .............. 3.975-3.990 (0.1565-0.1571)
Ring end gap (Compression ring 1), mm (in) .............. 0.25-0.40 (0.0098-0.0157)
Ring end gap (Compression ring 2), mm (in) .............. 0.25-0.40 (0.0098-0.0157)
Ring end gap (Oil ring), mm (in) .............. 0.20-0.40 (0.0079-0.0157)
Cylinder Head and Valves |
Cylinder head surface flatness, mm (in) .............. 0.05 (0.0019)
Top clearance, mm (in) .............. 0.6-0.8 (0.0237-0.0315)
Cylinder head gasket shim thickness, mm (in) .............. 0.2 (0.0079)
Cylinder head gasket thickness (Free), mm (in) .............. 1.15-1.30 (0.0453-0.0512)
Cylinder head gasket thickness (Tightened), mm (in) .............. 1.05-1.15 (0.0413-0.0453)
Compression pressure, MPa (psi) .............. 3.09-2.32 (448-337)
Valve clearance (Cold), mm (in) .............. 0.145-0.185 (0.0057-0.0072)
Intake/exhaust valve seat width, mm (in) .............. 2.12 (0.0835)
Intake/exhaust valve seat angle, deg (rad) .............. 45 (0.785)
Intake/exhaust valve-face angle, deg (rad) .............. 45.5 (0.794)
Valve recessing, mm (in) .............. 0.9-1.1 (0.036-0.043)
Valve stem to valve guide clearance, mm (in) .............. 0.035-0.065 (0.0014-0.0025)
Valve stem O.D, mm (in) .............. 6.960-6.975 (0.2741-0.2746)
Valve guide I.D, mm (in) .............. 7.010-7.025 (0.2760-0.2765)
Intake valve (Open), deg (rad) .............. 20 (0.35) before T.D.C
Intake valve (Close), deg (rad) .............. 45 (0.79) after B.D.C
Exhaust valve (Open), deg (rad) .............. 50 (0.87) before T.D.C
Exhaust valve (Close), deg (rad) .............. 15 (0.26) after B.D.C
Valve spring free length, mm (in) .............. 35.1-35.6 (1.382-1.401)
Valve spring tilt, mm (in) .............. 1.3 (0.051)
Camshaft and Connecting Rod |
Camshaft side clearance, mm (in) .............. 0.07-0.22 (0,0028-0.0087)
Camshaft alignment, mm (in) .............. 0.01 (0.0004)
Cam height (Intake/Exhaust), mm (in) .............. 26.88-26.83 (1.0583-1.0563)
Oil clearance of camshaft, mm (in) .............. 0.050-0.091 (0.0020-0.0036)
Camshaft journal O.D, mm (in) .............. 32.934-32.950 (1.2966-1.2972)
Camshaft bearing I.D, mm (in) .............. 33.000-33.025 (1.2992-13002)
Connecting rod alignment, mm (in) .............. 0.05 (0.0020)
Piston pin to small end bushing clearance, mm (in) .............. 0.014-0.038 (0.0006-0.0015)
Piston pin O.D, mm (in) .............. 20.002-20.011 (0.7875-0.7878)
Small end bushing I.D, mm (in) .............. 20.025-20.040 (0.7884-0.7890)
Timing Gear |
Timing gear backlash, mm (in) .............. 0.042-0.115 (0.0017-0.0045)
Idle gear side clearance, mm (in) .............. 0.20-0,51 (0.0079-0.0201)
Idle gear shaft to idle gear bushing clearance, mm (in) .............. 0.016-0.045 (0.0006-0.0018)
Idle gear shaft O.D, mm (in) .............. 17.973-17.984 (0.7076-0.7080)
Idle gear bushing I.D, mm (in) .............. 18.000-18.018 (0.7087-0.7054)
Crankshaft |
Crankshaft alignment, mm (in) .............. 0.02 (0.0008)
Crankshaft to bearing 1 oil clearance, mm (in) .............. 0.034-0.106 (0.0013-0.0042)
Crankshaft O.D, mm (in) .............. 43.934-43.950 (1.7297-1.7303)
Crankshaft bearing 1 I.D, mm (in) .............. 43.984-44.040 (1.7317-1.7339)
Crankshaft to bearing 2 oil clearance, mm (in) .............. 0.034-0.092 (0.0013-0.0036)
Crankshaft O.D, mm (in) .............. 43.934-43.950 (1.7297-1.7303)
Crankshaft bearing 2 I.D, mm (in) .............. 43.984-44.026 (1.7317-1.7333)
Crank pin to crank pin bearing oil clearance, mm (in) .............. 0.029-0.087 (0.0011-0.0034)
Crank pin O.D, mm (in) .............. 36.959-36.975 (1.4551-1.4557)
Crank pin bearing I.D, mm (in) .............. 37.004-37.046 (1.4569-1.4585)
Crankshaft side clearance, mm (in) .............. 0.15-0.31 (0.0059-0.0122)
Crankshaft sleeve wear, mm (in) .............. 0.1 (0.0039)
Engines Technical Specifications |